Monday 9 February 2015

Why Saudi men should not wear Gold

For those of you who don't know me personally, I have been working in Saudi Arabia for the past few months. It is extremely interesting and I am actually enjoying myself here. Yesterday at lunch, my colleague Ahmad told me that men in Saudi Arabia are not to wear gold. Hence their wedding rings are usually silver (and their wives wear gold.. lots of gold). I started looking around and indeed noticed that most men did not wear ANY jewelry (although they do like their watches and pens).
So last night I decided to lookup the official rationale behind this custom, and stumbled upon this:

"Allaah, may He be glorified, has created mankind and made them of two genders, male and female, and He has given each of them its own characteristics which are suited to the role that each of them has to play in this life. Men have roles and tasks that women cannot do, and women have roles and tasks that men cannot do.

It is well known that gold is something with which people adorn and beautify themselves, but a man is not meant to do this, i.e., he is not a person who may be perfected by means of adding something, rather a man is perfect in and of himself, because of his manhood. A woman needs to adorn herself so as to make herself attractive to her husband, thus creating a bond between her and her husband. Hence it permissible for a woman to adorn herself with gold and other things, so that the man will be attracted to her and seek her, and the purpose of marriage will be achieved, which is the propagation of the human species. Being brought up with adornments and softness is only appropriate for women; as for men, it is something blameworthy in their case.

Because gold and adorning oneself with it are things that are suited to the nature of women and the role for which they have been created, it is obviously wise for it to be forbidden for men to imitate women in that. One of the strange things that we see nowadays is many young men adorning themselves by wearing gold chains and the like, and they even put makeup on their faces. This is contrary to the fitrah (sound human nature) and to the masculinity and resolve which should be the characteristics of men. Hence you will not find any wise and serious man doing that, rather they are either perverts or those who are lacking in character, time-wasters who are trying to fill the gaps in their character or fill their time by doing that.

And Allaah knows best."

I will refrain from commenting any of the content in the text, concentrating on the most important messages: 
- their are things that women can do in Saudi Arabia that men are not allowed to do!
- women shall be covered in gold, in order to make themselves even prettier to their man, 

and I say: Hell yeah! Bring on the Gold... I have a lot of embellishing to do!! ;-)

Tuesday 6 May 2014


I have just received an email stating I have officially passed my exams and I will be invited to collect my degree Goldsmith... and I feel... down. Cold Turkey. There is one more module, which I was signed up for, for a degree as Jewellery Designer. It ends June 17th, but I am starting work again on June 2nd... My mind and heart are balancing, trying to find a solution, because all I really want to do, is to be back in the studio, 3 days a week at least! 

So while my mind is figuring things out, part of my brain is already working on the deliverables of that 5th module: a collection of minimum 3 pieces, part of a collection. I opened my boxes at home and found some stones, semi-precious -huge- stones, which I had received from my ex-husband who had brought them from Brasil years ago. I knew one day I would be using them, and I feel now is the time. The collection would be called Goiania or Pontalina (in Brasil). I also would love to make bracelets because so far I haven't. A cuff, a bangle, and maybe a ring... or 2 bangles... Started doodling a little. Would love to incorporate some Art Deco, but that would make them more Miami then Ipanema ;-) See I can't stop doing this... I really need to make jewellery. Help!

Sunday 4 May 2014


Today was a family day: church, communion, sister-in-law, mother and sister... we did it all. And after a long day out in the sun, I had to come back home to rough reality: dirty house, pile of ironing, dishes... and the display for my brooch to finalise. So I prioritised, skipped the house-wife tasks, and sat in front of the piece of metal, thinking of a solution to hang the brooch. Nylon thread, copper chain,... showing the result to Mr V who disapproved of all solutions. And my guy has taste, so I know it wasn't right. Until he came with a solution himself, suggesting I would bent the metal so I could just hang the brooch on one of the branches. Eureka! We both liked it and I hope the jury tomorrow will too ;-)

Saturday 3 May 2014

A little bit of begging

I went on a mission with V today. We looked at every shopping window of the Westland shopping center, in order to find the best way to display a price. Monday, as you might remember, I will have to showcase my piece of jewellery as if it were in a shopping display and I will also indicate the price. So I wanted the little plastic numbers to click together, but it turned out most shops use printed cards, little frames, and not the plastics squares to indicate the prices. Finally, we found some in the window of the shoe store Sacha. V decided to stay outside, arguing that his "head" wasn't fit for the job, and send me in on my own, with my angelic face, to beg for a few numbers ;-)
To my surprise one of the girls in the shop was so kind to offer to borrow me some, as long as I would return them on Tuesday.. which I promised to do, of course! Yeah! She wished me luck and I am sure that it will make a difference ;-)

Thursday 1 May 2014

Veni Vidi Vici!

I was right to leave the boyfriend in bed and go to the flea-market. Not only was it really sunny and a great atmosphere (despite the fact it was too crowed and I had to park my car like in the middle of a road, hoping for the police not to notice it), but I came home with some great findings! 

I found a plate-heater for 5euro, which I will use to keep my Vitrex hot, and most importantly a piece of bronze which has some Art Nouveau feel to it. I have already combined it with a little blue Tiffany's box which my sister gave me which I upholstered with some Art Deco fabric I received from my friend Raf. Tadaaa!! Now I only need to find a way to make my brooch hang inside the "tree", but I have all weekend to let that idea mature ;-) 

Wednesday 30 April 2014

May... really?

My last post dated January 26th, and now we are a few hours away from May. OMG where did the time go? Two modules have gone, two more exciting ones, technically speaking of course; and also stressful ones... How will I be able to catch up? 

Tonight was my last time in the studio, for now. We handed all our module 4 pieces in yesterday, and now all I have left to do is defend my master piece in front of a jury on Monday. I feel empty...
Today is also the day I signed my new working agreement, in the Consulting business, my first love. Little time will be left, as of June, to spend with the bench :-(

Nothing but changes, again, in my life; hopefully for the better! I have promised myself to try to start writing to you again, on a regular basis. I have tons of pics and facts to share with you form the last few months, and I will hopefully be able to continue to inspire some of you... to dream their dreams and to make them work!!

Sunday 26 January 2014

Strange Period

I must be in the middle of my own winter this year because I am tired 90% of the day (and 100% of the night). Which means that I have to optimise the 10% of the day when I actually do feel energetic, and unfortunately writing on the blog falls out of the boat most of the time. But not only! I have bought a Sievert system to be able to solder at home, like two weeks ago. And I got it out of it's box (step 1), about a week ago. Now it is waiting for me to go upstairs to my neighbour and get a tool to correctly mount it to the gas bottle (step 2)... maybe in 3 weeks? I am not proud of myself :-(